Submit Artwork

Complete this form to submit your card to the series. We hope to accept or reject card submissions as soon as we can. 

Please wait for your submission to be accepted or denied before submitting another.


  • Wojak artwork
    • Submissions must be 400 x 560.
    • Only JPG, PNG, Animated GIFs are accepted (3MB limit). Audio or Video are not supported.
    • No NSFW content.
    • No websites, QR codes or PII in artwork.
    • Thumbnail is automatically made. If you would like to make your own, please convert it to base64 string. A direct link to your thumbnail can be used instead.
  • Wojak Tokens
    • Tokens must be issued on Counterparty (XCP), non-divisible and locked.
    • Minimum issuance is 21. Maximum issuance is 5000.
    • Any cards shared or sold before approval will be automatically disqualified.
    • Please, do not burn or destroy tokens after approval.
  • Completing This Form
    • If you find youself lost on any aspect of this form, like base64 or IPFS, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you still have any problems feel free to reach out to the room on telegram.
    • IPFS field is for the CID of your submission (only, and not other files)
    • Use this form to upload your submission (no other files). Enhancements to your asset will need to be hosted elsewhere and linked here.
  • After Approval
    • Only one submission per artist while waiting for approval.
      Successful artists will be emailed.
    • DO NOT destroy the submission token (WOJAKS) until you have received an approval from our team via email. A confirmation will be sent when your card is live on the website and you are then free to distribute as you wish.
    • Set the description to
    • DO NOT destroy or burn tokens after submission or approval.


Issuing Address


Must be 400 pixels wide and 560 pixels high


* denotes required field
By submitting your artwork to The Wojak Way, you consent to the use of your art in marketing materials, physical products, commercial merchandise and any other reasonable use.
The views and creations of artists do not necessarily reflect the ideas or views of the approving curators